Saturday, December 28, 2019

Medieval Art And Architecture Of The Gothic Architecture

The term Gothic comes from Giorgio Vaasari, he used the term to ridicule the medieval art and architecture. Putting the art aside, the architecture of the period was quite awesome, cathedrals stand today as a testament to this. The Gothic style was birthed in France as the Romanesque style evolved. The Saint-Denis was the first Gothic cathedral; it was designed Abbot Suger in 1144. Gothic Cathedrals were marvels in their time as they towered above the cities, they frequently reached over 150 meters tall. The Cathedrals were built with the intention of looking like a Latin cross; the two parts that make up the Latin cross are the Nave and the transept. The three elements that make Gothic cathedrals different from previous cathedrals are the Flying Buttresses, pointed arches and the ribbed vaults. Although these items are cornerstones for what Gothic stands for, the faà §ade with the three door portals, the rose window and twin towers are what characterize French Gothic cathedrals. The door portals are one of the main characteristics of the French Gothic faà §ade. The portal is part of the porch, which usually starts at the steps leading up to the cathedral. The portals of the French faà §ade are unique because of their deep recession and how ornate they are. The faà §ade (main entrance to the cathedral) of the French Gothic cathedral has three door portals, each into a different section of the cathedrals. Each portal delivered a different message with its stonework, this workShow MoreRelated Medieval Art Essay1064 Words   |  5 PagesMedieval Art In the art world, the medieval periods were traditionally though to be the unproductive phase of Europe between the decline of Rome and the Renaissance. Our modern feelings toward medieval art are far more appreciative. The main intent of Medieval art was to express Christianity which was also a common bond between a wide spread and diverse Europe. 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